Broken Pottery (Sherds)
If you are looking for something strange this is the place. The independent research group MIAMO Archaeology reports their findings here and we have found a lot of sites and a lot of mysteries.
The information herein is for both the general public and scientific researchers. Please glance through the Sections listed above to decide how deep you want to go down this rabbit hole.
Archaeologists looking for detailed data and descriptions of our work should start at REGIONAL CHACOAN ROADS or ARCHAEOLOGY OF TOMALES POINT, CALIFORNIA

While mapping Anasazi archaeological sites near Gallup, New Mexico we climbed up the back slope of this mesa following scattered fragments of ancient pottery which appeared to mark a path or road to the top. When we reached the top we found a mound covered with broken pottery and the path just stopped at the cliff edge just above the balloon. The cliff face is about 300 feet high. There did not seem any way down. So, we back tracked back down the slope and came around to the base of the cliff. Following the base of the cliff we came to a point directly below where the path had ended high up above. We found another mound and the path of broken pottery continuing away from the cliff.

Above are satellite views of White Rock Mesa from Google Earth. The white and green lines mark the trail of broken pottery. The Anasazi did not like to go around things, so their roads are straight lines no matter what they encounter. There must have once been a giant ladder to allow people to go up and down the cliffs of White Rock Mesa.
Many of the sites we report on can be visited anytime. So, we encourage you to do just that. But, MIAMO has a set of ethics designed to guide our work. We do not collect or disturb artifacts. We do not play on ancient structures or damage them. We do photograph and take notes, make measurements, and we report our findings. Please follow these guidelines when visiting any of the sites.
Tomales Mounds – A Message from Alpha Centari
On Tomales Point which is part of the Point Reyes National Seashore 30 kilometers north of San Francisco there are megalith ( structures made of large rocks). Geologists do not think the rock mounds are natural. Instead someone has constructed the mounds and a long line of big stones across Tomales Point. Once these mounds and other features were mapped they apper to be a celestial map. But, part of the map can only be understood if it is observed from outer space.

Kin Hochoi
Lines of broken pottery were spread across the New Mexico desert to define a road that is at least 50 kilometers long. It connects villages over 1000 years old from Arizona to New Mexico.

Standing Rock
This ancient site was constructed to align with a tall rock pillar. Some people say it is an old Anasazi village, but evidence suggests it was a gathering place for religious performances.

The Journey from South Gap to Dalton Pass
One thousand years ago people walked from Pueblo Bonito hidden in Chaco Canyon to a mountain pass many miles away. Before they left they would stand on a mesa above Pueblo Bonito and look to the southwest through a gap in the cliffs. On a clear day they could see their destination. But, on the ground these travelers could not see where they were going, so a line marked with pottery fragments was laid out over the entire distance. Halfway, they would come to Tiger Walk Up Herradura a rock circle set high on a ridge crest. There they could look back to the northeast and see the gap and look southwest to see the pass.

Ship Rock
Ancient volcano sitting alone in the desert. Navajo stories tell of a giant bird that once and may still nest there.